Tuesday, July 14, 2009


For all those online games lovers out their, here is what I think about it

Travian is an online game that has 4 australian servers 3 normal speed servers and 1 fast server.
Travian has 3 tribes you can choose from, they are:
Each of these has there advatages and disadvatages, so they all have diffrent buildings and troops that come with them.

When you get into the game you start off with your own village and a few resourses to start building your own, to help you you have beginners protection to protect you from other players and also have a guide you though how travian.

Each game length lasts for roughly 300 days (normal server) and 100 days (farst server).

One of the decions thay you will have to make early on is weather you want to be an economic power or a milatry power.

You can join or create an alliance in which you can protect each other in the challanging world of Travian

Well, thats it for this post


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