Saturday, July 18, 2009

Time with out a guiding sun

December 25 2007 was the last day of our previous minister, and since then we haven't had a permanent minister, so what do you do when you do not have that sun which makes things go, move and guiding us though the ministry of God?

Well, what do you do when you get lost in the bush and you only have the night sky, you look for the southern cross (or the north star if your in the northern hemisphere).
As you may have noticed the southern cross consists of 5 stars, each of them play a roll in pointing us in the right direction.

At my church me have several people that run the services each with their own zing to it, some week we have the band running the serves and we have great music, that we my not other wise here and have guest speaks come.

As a congregation we have grown to realise that we do not need to relied on only one person to do every thing. If we let on person do everything they will be crushed and not last long and the same will happen to the next. But each team needs a leader, this leader holds the title of worship coordinator, in which she is tasked to make sure theirs someone on each Sunday and we organise a minister to do communion.

Now after 20 months in August we will have a new Minster to guide us to our Sheppard, and the worship team can take a deep breathe and have a sigh of relief, and knowing they have done what "the Lord required". We are going to celebrate what we have achieved over the past 20 months in the last service.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Crossing the road

Parents who cross the road near a set of lights, with out using the set of lights in front of children are teaching them bad habits, and every time I see it happen it drives me crazy.

Children pick up things that we do, for example what we say, if you watch children playing you will see your self in their play, they will do and act as you do, pick up common words you say. Just think about it, how many traits you have picked up from your parents, in the way you act, what you say and your parenting techniques may be simular to your own parents.

We are teaching our children even if we are not teaching them, so we have to be careful in everything we do, because our children are a product of their parents, and their environment (its a little more complicated than that but, just simplifying it).

So, what should we do have no fear, we are all not perfect, some may think they are, but well... there NOT, so just do what you normally what you'd do and fix your mistake one at a time, as we find them.

Cya for now


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Child protection

A few days ago it was reveled that a child in melborne had be physicly abused by her father, then after a few hours to a day her father relised she had to be taken to hospatal and a few days after we heard that we also found that he was found dead.

Well, the issue here is not that the child was abused but that fact that the childcare centre that she attended had contacted DHS (Department of Humen Services), and from the news nothing was done. (Please corect me if i'm wrong)

It has been said that DHS is under funded even though the state govenment has doubled there funding over the past 2 years.

This 2 year old child fell though the cracks, and thats not plan good enough, that a child that DHS new about it, so hopifaly it will be found that any problems found will be fixed and that this child will recover and have no long team dissabily


Tuesday, July 14, 2009


For all those online games lovers out their, here is what I think about it

Travian is an online game that has 4 australian servers 3 normal speed servers and 1 fast server.
Travian has 3 tribes you can choose from, they are:
Each of these has there advatages and disadvatages, so they all have diffrent buildings and troops that come with them.

When you get into the game you start off with your own village and a few resourses to start building your own, to help you you have beginners protection to protect you from other players and also have a guide you though how travian.

Each game length lasts for roughly 300 days (normal server) and 100 days (farst server).

One of the decions thay you will have to make early on is weather you want to be an economic power or a milatry power.

You can join or create an alliance in which you can protect each other in the challanging world of Travian

Well, thats it for this post



This is my first post, so I'll see how I go

Whith this blog I'll descuse my thoughts and some my be contraversal and some may not, I wish to in the futre to put up Polls that can vote on and also I will talk about some websites etc

see you all later
