Sunday, December 20, 2009

Strange people

Strange people make our life's more exiting

Some of the strange things I have been a part of or seen are:

1. Singing the lion king songs at secondary school in the library foyer

2. Playing Charade's in the cinema just before the movie started, and other people who were watch the movie joined in

3. Playing Chardes at Nandos

4. A friend offering left over birthday cake to complete st ranges in Nandos

I would like to thank these people for the memories and all the fun we had
I thing the normal people are the abnormal, and the abnormal are the normal,
because we are all abnormal, we are all different
we all have a different finger print, even twins


Moven on out

The last few weeks have been quite hectic, its not only nearly Christmas but I was helping an organisation that I volunteer at move out of their current office to their new office. Moving is allot of work:

1. You have to sort though everything thing (We could only take 5%)
2. We have to sell what we can in a garage sale)
3. We take stuff we want to get rid of to the tip
4. We get a truck
5. We have to pack the truck
6. Drive to the new place
7. Unpack the truck
8. Set the new place up

Now that's allot of things to do, it took me and a friend to sort out 2 huge cupboards in to one relatively small box, we didn't get everything in to that small box but we did well.

Now we had a garage sale we sold allot and made quite a bit of money, it was fun and very tyring. I sold quite a few chairs.

Going to the tip was fun, loading the car up so full that you can't see though the back, is quite an experience and it was allot of fun thoghing stuff out of the car over the egde watch stuff brake a part, very thilling.

If I got one thing out of it, that would be I wouldn't want to move too often, but the good thing about is, the thrill of exploring new places and meeting new people, you very often meet the best people in the most strange places, they may seem odd or strange, but if every one was the same it would be very borring.

I have meet and know some very strange people, who always do strange and odd things, but they make this world a better and more exiting place for us all.


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas the second

Christmas is a strange time of year and very often very crazy time of year, its the end of the school year (if you live in Australia), with lots of things to do, you have your children's end of year concert, where your busy making costumes or helping with your child's lines etc, then there Christmas parties, you have the classroom parties, the work parties, the extra curricular parties for your kids and your self (their could be a number of those). And of course we can't forget the shopping.

We shop for our self's, our family and friends, its the best time for all the retailers, as they make thousands from selling things that you think people need, very often they will want to return it because they don't like it or they have it. The sadist part is for new pets, they may not like the pet so they take it down to the RSPCA.

Also, theirs Christmas cards, and those beautiful fireworks, and also carols, OK, lets stop for a moment..., think what is Christmas really about..., OK..., think back over 2000 years ago, a baby was born, in a small town called Bethlehem, this baby was born in a lowly barn, but he was the most impotent person of his time and all time.

His name was Jesus, Jesus grew up to preach the word of God and be the beginning of Christianity, so, leading up to Christmas and on Christmas day, think of Jesus, think.., think...

OK, your most likely going to be with family, and spend a lot of time with them, and if not, then many organisations have Christmas lunch and you can have lunch with Gods family.

Marry Christmas
A Happy New Year

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Its almost chrismas, the christmas tree is going up and the decorations on the tree and in the street of every shopping centre (if they wern't up at the end of November, shops are stocking christmas things and have for since after fathers day.

Your faverot radio station is probly playing christmas songs to get you in to the festive spirit. TV ratings have stopped so your faverot TV shows have gone off the air for the summer or winter break and the shows they bought and have to show are on even if their really bad, and don't forget those christmas specils.

Now your probly tring to find presents for your loved ones, and spending a fortune on presents that they may not want, so what does one do, buy a gift voutuer.

Rush, rush, rush, why do we rush, can't we stop and smell the flowers even for just 5 min, enjoy nature, sit down and spend time with your family, talk, chat, about hoe their going.

Hoildays have to be planned, presents to buy, plan for the christmas feast, stuck in trafic, stuck in a long line, driving from here to there, and back again, rush, rush, rush.

STOP and smell the flowers
Take time out and look at the world
How beautiff is Gods creating
Think about it


The invention of lying

Mark Bellison (Ricky Gervais) lives in a world where they don't lie, every one tells the truth 100% of the time, Mark is a short fat guy with a podgy nose and everyone tells him that.

One day Mark losses his job and gets evicted from his house as he can't pay for rent, so he goes to the bank and to take out his remaining money, but the computers down so he needs to tell them how much he has in his bank account, but he gets an idea, to say he has more in his back account than he really has (the first lie) the computer system goes back up and he gets scared for a second, then she says I’m so sorry, hears your money.

He goes to his mates and try's to explain it to them, but they don't understand as they don't understand lying. So if he said his name was Bob then his name was Bob or he invented bicycles then they world say thanks for the invention.

He used lying for good and for getting him and his friends what they wanted and get out of treble.

The inventions of lying is a comedy and quite funny and recommend it for anyone who wants a light comedy, its hard to comprehend a world with out lying, lying can be a good thing and a bad thing.

I give this movie 3.5 stars out of 5
